Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"Peer Reviewed and Quality Assured"
Your Seal of Excellence will influence the Consumer to dine with you!
You talk about the excitement of "the best thing since sliced bread", wait until you digest this new program, as close as you can get to guaranteeing increased traffic to your restaurant door.
By providing restaurant customers with appropriate information to make a dining decision and Restaurants the opportunity to promote their distinctive experience, We8There, a Strategic Partner, and Hospitality Performance have created the perfect balance through their "Excellence in Dining" Program.
We know that restaurant success is based upon that Dining Experience. What do Customers want? They want to be satisfied that the food is good, that the service is reasonable, that they will be safe, dining in a clean establishment, where the price they pay represents value. We8There's CEO, Stanley Roberts, addressed the operator's perspective. "They want to present their business in the best light, featuring their distinctive menus, ambiance and outstanding service, to engage their patrons, to gain their loyalty, and then to promote that memorable experience."
Our respective companies provide key elements for these two parties through patron testimonials and professional certification, resulting in a Seal of "Excellence in Dining". This opportunity for distinction was also addressed in a Restaurant Report article, "Promoting the Dining Experience by Matching Expectations".
We8There is the largest, International, Web based "open forum" for Hospitality related reviews of Restaurants and Lodgings ? testimonials written by real, everyday Hospitality patrons. As you know, HPI, through our signature Hospitality Review Program, professionally evaluates and certifies acceptable Restaurant Quality Standards, by assessing the condition of the facility, the impact of Guest contact and the delivery of service and product.
Customer testimonial and professional validation result in a Seal for "Excellence in Dining". The restaurant has been "Peer Reviewed and Quality Assured", developing renewed Consumer confidence and reliability. A dining decision is now made easy!
The partners agree that their "Excellence in Dining" Program is not only directed to Consumer Advocacy but also is a means to promote those Restaurants which really perform. You now have a more informed public and a responsive food and beverage business, which should result in improved Customer Satisfaction, as well as increased traffic and revenue. What a match the Partners have and what an opportunity to showcase your business. This is a win-win situation for everyone!
Warmest regards,
John R. Hendrie, CEO

Anyone wishing to respond to my notes posted in this weblog can do so on the we8there forum.


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