Thursday, January 29, 2004

Tips for writing a review by Stanley Roberts

There are many people who love writing restaurant reviews some people grasp the concept while some simply put, don't. One of the first keys to the process of writing a good review is similar to the watching television concept, if the television is not plugged in you will never get to see anything on the screen. What this means if you don't remember the name of the restaurant you are reviewing how can you remember how to rate your experience. So if you enter a restaurant with the intention of writing a review, look for a business card, if they don't have business card remember to write down the address this will help you remember the restaurants name, the type of cuisine and the most important part the address this will help jog you memory when trying to remember you actual dining experience. keep checking back I will add more tips daily. Anyone wishing to respond to my notes posted in this weblog can do so on the we8there forum.


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