Saturday, November 10, 2007

Yet another restaurant (Avocados World Bistro) trying to promote itself on with a fake review... we were made aware of this fake review by a helpful user:

Review that was posted:

fabulous food!!!! Authentic flavors. Great wine list, nice range but doesn't break the bank. We also loved the selection of music, which is available for purchase in the restaurant, hard to find European music. Tracy Van Eijl

A very helpful website user pointed this out to us:

It disturbs me that the part-owners wife fakes a review on this website to try to bolster business, I am all for entrepreneurs but to go online and pretend you are a customer of your own restaurant, giving it rave reviews! Give me a break, I guess it shows the true nature, morals, and ethics of the owner(s).... Oh, and by the way, the place does break the bank, be prepared to call your bank the next day... Ad I write this I am reading below that this website does not accept reviews from employees, managers, and owners, It might want to research this one! Chris LiarSmith



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant believe her, shamelessly promoting her own business like that, but everything she said was true. my husband and i love absolutely love the food, and the music and ambience were top notch. we'll go back for their awesome seafood selection and salsa dancing the next chance we get!

7:23 PM  

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