Tuesday, February 17, 2004

From time to time I get reviews from former employees of restaurants. Most of the time they don't fess up to being an employee. However this review was sent by a former employee who made it clear that he along with several other staff members were fired from the restaurant in question. Do to the nature of this review I can not reveal the name of the restaurant or the location but I will allow you to read his review. This is exactly how it was written nothing was changed or edited. If I were to post this review it would be considered libelous!

"Ok, so essentially I used to work there and I--along with the entire waitstaff, kitchen crew--was fired for no reason and without any notice whatsoever. That said, you should know a few things about the place....
1. mice --everywhere. check your food for droppings
2. food stored at dangerous temperatures...if you MUST eat there, avoid meat - it's often stored improperly.
3. illegal activites by mangement such as paying people under the table and selling bottles of liquor to the public."

Anyone wishing to respond to my notes posted in this weblog can do so on the we8there forum.


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