Day 4 of our road trip is a day that will go down in Infamy, it started out ok we were packing and getting ready to check out, until we noticed we were missing the key to the hotel safe we have no idea where it could be. I am talking about a key that has never left the room is now missing with our stuff locked inside, we tossed the room LAPD style and found nothing! We searched all the luggage triple times, finally after several hours of searching we had to have the safe drilled, lucky me! Please don't ask how much that cost, I'm still crying if you want to send money to the save the safe fund email me and let me know... About 2pm, we got on the road and hit the border traffic which took more than an hour to pass through the checkpoint,. by then it was 4pm and rush hour was in full effect so we were stuck in traffic driving through San Diego. We will have to visit Legoland on Thursday, so it's off to Carlsbad and rest time at the local Holiday Inn... They offered free meals for kids so there is some justice.
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