Saturday, March 06, 2004

Do you consider youself to be a picky eater? According to USA Today more and more companies are catering to the ever growing population of pickey eaters in America, creating a wider variety of noches and drinks. There are some very interesting facts that I am sure will make the trivia buff proud! For example did you know that "Starbucks not only has more than 19,000 ways it can serve a cup of coffee, but it has five kinds of milk to stir into it: whole, non-fat, half & half, organic and soy." (USA TODAY) Did you know that Applebee's Restaurant will bend over backwards to make you a dinner that may not be on their menu? If you are interested in reading this article here is the link: USA TODAY.

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Wednesday, March 03, 2004

How many freeway billboards do you read a day? I find myself cruising along reading the same billboards every single day, I actually catch myself and try to stop repeating the billbaord , but it becomes a self conscious reaction. Today however was a interesting day because I saw a subliminal message buried within a California cheese billboard.... Have you seen the one with the two cows? One is laying down and the other is standing? Look closely, the cow standing has two black dots located on its side while the other has a curved mark on its side, when placed together they make a smiley face. This is true So how is that a subliminal message? The California cheese association is always advertising that California Cows are happy cows complete with talking cow commercials plastered on every television in California and maybe even in your town. So what's my point? No point, just an observation. Ok there is a point I wonder how many othere billboards have subliminal messages? So what you think?
Anyone wishing to respond to my notes posted in this weblog can do so on the we8there forum.