Saturday, June 18, 2005

Our second stop was the Crawdad tent in the festival....the price was lower this year and there was a new system first stand in one line to purchase your ticket one pound for 15 dollars and 8 dollars for a half a pound which I thought was weird since there were no scales to determine if you were really getting a pound. These Crawdads were better than the previous but still lacked any real level of palatibility! The portions were smaller and that waiting in two lines was rather annoying!  Posted by Hello

My First mission was to see who has the best Crawdads, so we sampled a few from some of the restaurants within the festival and from the crawdad booth.. Our first stop was Rogelio's on Main street... Please avoid this place like the plague if want good Crawdads. Instead of spices they cover the mudbugs with chili paste and they are way over cooked. I was like eating a meal on fear factor!  Posted by Hello

As usual we attended the Isleton Crawdad Festival except this year is was being run by the City if Isleton, and not the Chamber of Commerce, the difference the Chamber donates the proceeds to charity. The City, a portion is donated to some unknown charity so I have been told. My mission was to find out if the city could pull this thing off. They made a few changes like charging an admission price of 5 dollars and making it " Family friendlily" I will return to this subject later. Posted by Hello