There has been a running joke regarding Saint Patrick's day, the joke concerns Carmen Jones our Editor-In Chief. A couple a years ago we were driving around in Seaside California looking for a place to shake a leg or party which ever you prefer. It was two week from Saint Patricks day around 10pm on a Saturday there was about four of us in the car including an Executive Chef from the Doubletree Hotel in Monterey, California. Any way the way the story goes is I made a statement that there appeared to be a incredible amount of cops driving around that evening it was like they were on every corner. So Carmen Chimes in by saying " the reason is because it two weeks from Saint Patricks Day...there was dead silence in the car then the jokes started....So now just before the big green holiday comes around we get the two week joke, which is pretty funny when you think about it. The first five people to send Carmen a St. Paddys day joke will receive a coffee mug her email is make sure you include a mailing address.
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