Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Why we don't require you to give us your personal information!

I firmly believe with all the identify thefts going on, lapstops being stolen, hackers, etc at we believe in order to post a review should not require that you give us your first born. We do require a real email address because we need to verify every review submitted, why? it's very simple we do not permit the posting of fake reviews and if you enter a false email or a non working email your review will not be posted. I really hate to delete wonderfully written reviews that do not have valid emails. No I don't want your email so I can add you to a spam list, we do not sell, loan, barter our email list.

Also We are testing our new service travel we are trying to keep free, we are not a giant company we are ordinary people with regular jobs who are trying to help you with your travel needs. please click some of our links of buy some of our travel products or we might have to reconsider offering for free.......... just kidding.