Saturday, February 14, 2004

So here it is V-Day Are you broke yet? oh that's right the day is still young. You could be like me and totally get it wrong, I tried to order one of those name a star after the one you love via and some how manage to get the whole thing wrong! Instead of my Valentines name on the star it had my name and my star date but her zodiac sign.... I looked in the mirror for the big fat loser planted on my head because now I have to buck up and spend another 35 dollars to correct a mistake that I made. Happy Valentines Day! Thank God, that was not a stand alone gift!!! or can you day DOG HOUSE!!! What did you get for V-DAY I want to know.........I will send the best response a 25 dollar dining gift certificate.
Anyone wishing to respond to my notes posted in this weblog can do so on the we8there forum.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Valentine's Day is here again, is it me or do we have a "spend money" holiday almost every two month's? Just today I was in a Popular drug store and they were putting up the Easter Stuff. Last year the day after Halloween the very same store was putting up Christmas trees, we need to revolt ....Boston Tea Party!!! How can we stop this madness? I am going broke trying to keep up with all these "Paid Holidays!"
Anyone wishing to respond to my notes posted in this weblog can do so on the we8there forum.

Monday, February 09, 2004

This is the kind of emails I get on a regular basis some or funny some just make me scratch my head, this was sent to It wad directed to McDonalds but sent to "I VISIT YOUR MIDDLEBORO LOCATION ORDERED MY FOOD AND GOT HOME NOT ONLY WAS THE ORDER NOT WHAT I HAD ORDERED I WAS SHORT TWO BIGMACS MY CHEESEBURGERS WERE ORDED NO ONION THEY WERE LOADED WITH ONIONS EVERYTIME I ORDER THEIR THE KIDS MESS UP THE ORDER TRY HIRING MORE ADULTS" I don't own a McDonalds and cany anyone tell me where Middleboro is located, I am not sure what I should do with this email if you have any suggestions I would love the hear them.
Anyone wishing to respond to my notes posted in this weblog can do so on the we8there forum.

There are so many people visiting more than a thousand a day however no one is buying anything which means while providing a great service is doing so at a lost, we are trying to keep free but it is getting harder and harder, we need you to support this site in any way you can we want to stay free but we need all your help!

Anyone wishing to respond to my notes posted in this weblog can do so on the we8there forum.